Date: 2014
Director: Rehad Desai
Producers: Rehad Desai, Anita Khanna & Brian Tilley
Broadcasters: Al Jazeera America, Al Jazeera English, DR-Beyen Danish Broadcasting, NHK Enterprises Inc Japan, NRK Norwegian Broadcasting Corp, RTS/Radio Television Switzerland, Sveriges Television AB Sweden, VKZ/IKON The Netherlands, YLE Finland, Afridocs/GoTV DSTV, Formulation Inc Japan, TV3 Spain, ENCA South Africa, ETV South Africa, BBC Storyville Global, Cape Town Community TV South Africa, Islamic TV, KZNI Community TV South Africa, Bay TV South Africa
In August 2012, mineworkers in one of South Africa’s biggest platinum mines began a wildcat strike for better wages. Six days into the strike, the police used live ammunition to brutally suppress the strike, killing 34 and injuring many more. The police insisted that they shot in self- defense. Miners Shot Down tells a different story, one that unfolds in real time over seven days, like a ticking time bomb. The film weaves together the central point-of-view of three strike leaders, Mambush, Tholakele and Mzoxolo, with compelling police footage, TV archive and interviews with lawyers representing the miners in the ensuing commission of inquiry into the massacre. What emerges is a tragedy that arises out of the deep fault lines in South Africa’s nascent democracy, of enduring poverty and a twenty year old, unfulfilled promise of a better life for all. A campaigning film, beautifully shot, sensitively told, with a haunting soundtrack, Miners Shot Down reveals how far the African National Congress has strayed from its progressive liberationist roots and leaves audiences with an uncomfortable view of those that profit from minerals in the global South.
Take Action
Now you’ve seen the film you might be asking how you can play a part in the campaign for justice for the Marikana miners facing serious charges, and the families of those who were killed. What is important is that the truth comes out and that appropriate action is taken against the people responsible for the massacre. For this to happen we believe that many people need to see this film, discuss the issues and begin to ask “What can we do?”
These are some of our suggestions of how you can help:
DONATE to the Justice campaign
Half of the money collected will go to the families of the slain miners. The rest will be used to mobilise action around the country.
Account Name: Human Rights Media Trust
Bank: Nedbank
Branch: Constantia
Branch Code: 101109
Branch Address: Constantia Village Shopping Centre, Main Road, Cape Town, South Africa
Account No: 1011102366
Reference: Marikana Justice Campaign
*NOTE: If you are outside South Africa, you’ll need the SWIFT address as well: NEDSZAJJ
ORGANISE an action for 16 August 2014
We are asking for supporters to do a protest action on 16 August, wherever you are. A march, a picket of the local police, a vigil. Please let us know what you are planning and we will put it on our news page.
Wear BLACK on the 16th of every month.
ORGANISE a screening of Miners Shot Down
Public Screenings
To organise an outreach screening and discussion in your area or organisation, contact Anita Khanna at anita@uhuruproductions.co.za.
Film Clubs
Get a few people together in your home and show the film, contact Anita Khanna at anita@uhuruproductions.co.za.
Pass a resolution in support of the miners at local branch or national level. If you do let us know: info@minersshotdown.co.za.
The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), the country’s largest trade union, passed a resolution in support of the Marikana miners and families in December 2013. To see this resolution go to http://www.numsa.org.za/article/resolutions-adopted-numsa-special-national-congress-december-16-20-2013/
Follow the Film
Keep up to date with news and events by following us on social media or signing up to our newsletter. If you have any questions, comments or would like to book a screening of Miners Shot Down, please contact us with the attached form.
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